Ninja Kids (Leudelange)

Ninja Kids (Leudelange)

Place: Hall Omnisports Leudelange

The Ninja Kids is a martial arts oriented concept based on the following three pillars:

  • Sports fitness: this pillar conveys the fun of physical exercise and promotes strength, endurance, coordination as well as agility.
  • Martial Arts: this pillar combines several martial arts, so throwing techniques as in judo, punching and kicking techniques as in kickboxing, stick fighting as in Filipino martial arts as well as techniques from self-defense are learned.
  • Personality development: Here the kids and teens learn inner strengths such as self-control, self-confidence or teamwork. In addition, values such as justice, politeness, respect, friendship and helpfulness are taught.
In addition, a foundation for health and first aid is laid.

You have to be at least 8 years old to participate.

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